Soul Hub is a community response to a deep community need. We are a convergence of help for Newcastle’s most vulnerable, homeless, and at risk.
Previously known as Soul Café, we have been serving the community since 2003, doing all that we can, with all we have, for whoever walks through our door.
Today, the increasing numbers of disadvantaged people in our community need our assistance more than ever. While we feed a lot of guests for free in our café, we’re also committed to being ‘more than a meal’ and deliver a wide range of essential services and support to everyone that comes in.
Everyone’s welcome, because nobody’s perfect, and anything is possible.
**Please note these services are subject to change – please call or pop in during our opening hours to confirm **
- Monday:
Chiropractor (monthly)
Hairdresser (fortnightly)
Audiologist (monthly)
Jenny’s Place (weekly)
SMART Recovery (weekly) - Tuesday:
Centrelink Support (weekly)
Castle Employment (weekly)
Podiatry Clinic (monthly)
Family Inclusion Strategies Hunter (FISH)
WHOS (weekly) - Wednesday:
Medical Clinic (check with reception)
SMART Recovery (weekly)
Gamblers Anon (weekly)
Service NSW (1st Wed of the month)
NDIS (weekly) - Thursday:
Medical Clinic (check with reception)
Faith Discovery Group (weekly)
VOCAL (weekly) - Sunday: Life Church 10am every week, everyone welcome!
Donations can be dropped into Soul 7am-2pm Monday to Thursday and 7am-8.30am on Friday to Sunday.
Soul Hub office is open Monday-Thursday, 7am-2pm. Our office phone number is 02 4926 1758.