By leaving a gift in your will to the Soul Hub you can be sure you will have left a significant contribution to add to your legacy.
Whether it’s a few dollars or thousands, every cent goes towards supporting the most vulnerable, disadvantaged, mentally unwell and lonely members of our shared community.
Gifts can take many forms:
- the residue or percentage of the Estate;
- a specific amount of money;
- a life insurance or superannuation policy;
- assets such as shares, property, works of art or jewelry;
- an investment in perpetuity;
- a gift to be used in an auction or raffle;
You may desire a consultation with your solicitor, trustee company, family or the Public Trustee regarding the wording. Here is some suggested wording and details you may need.
I give [insert $ amount] OR [insert asset description] OR [insert percentage of the residue/whole of my estate] to Lifeshapers Family Service {Soul Hub} ABN: 67385398045, PO Box 686, NEWCASTLE NSW 2300, for it to apply such bequest in accordance with its purposes. The receipt of the finance manager of Lifeshapers Family Service {Soul Hub} for the time being is a sufficient discharge to my Executor in respect of the gift to Lifeshapers Family Service {Soul Hub} under this agreement.