Introducing the Guest Support Coordinators

Soul is incredibly excited to announce the appointment of John, Martin & Mark who will join Mary and Sue in our newly established role of ‘Guest Support Coordinators’.


The GSC’s role will focus on supporting Soul guests in 3 ways:

1. Maintaining the relaxed environment of the dining room, building relationships, belonging & sense of community with our guests.
2. Referring guests to appropriate services.
3. Training, supporting & investing in the Soul Floor team.


Meet John: John has been volunteering at Soul since 2020. Having first arrived in Australia in 2015, he and his wife Linda are hoping to make Australia their home as their two sons, partners and three grandchildren are now residents. John loves meeting and chatting to our Soul guests and is now actively involved in our SMART Recovery and Coaching programs.

Meet Martin: Martin came to Soul from the Defence Force where he served 20 years between the Navy and the RAAF. Martin says after his own journey he now understands mental illness more and has the drive to help others. He also completed his Certificate IV in Mental Health.


Meet Mark: Mark enjoys being part of an inclusive space where individuals feel valued, safe and heard. Mark hopes that everyone who walks through the door feels welcomed and may step into some calm in their day. In his other activity as a PhD researcher his aim is to narrow the gap between the theory and practice of how people care and relate to each other.

This incredible new initiative will positively impact countless lives and increases the amount of face-to-face referral and advocacy work with some of Newcastle’s most vulnerable people.

We are majorly thankful to Electrodry Carpet Dry Cleaning, Bondi Chai Latte, Orica, Port Waratah Coal Services & a very generous anonymous donor for their support of this initiative that will change lives!