Meet Clint

Clint has been one of our longtime guests. When he first came to Soul he was in a very vulnerable state. He came to seek help as he was experiencing homelessness and had nowhere else to turn to.

Clint needed food services as being on the street, he struggled accessing fresh and safe food. He was also looking for advice and support for his wellbeing, in particular he wanted advice on improving his physical health.


Coming into Soul, having a hot meal and talking around the table to our floor team volunteers opened the door for him to access mental, psychological and wellbeing support.

Now through his journey with Soul, he has a place to stay, he has a family at Soul and he’s about to volunteer 1 day a week here while still putting his life back together.

“What would I say about Soul? It is opened minded, accepting, nonjudgmental but most of all its Home.”
