Meet Laura – Sleepout for Soul. May 17th

Laura is a new volunteer at Soul. This is her 4th shift.

Laura knows what it is like to be vulnerable. At one time she was living in her van and attended Soul as a guest. But she is not in that position now. She is working in the printing industry and studying graphic design at Newcastle university.

Laura’s partner used to volunteer at Soul and only had good experiences to report and so she was keen to volunteer. 4weeks ago she joined our team and says “everyone is so amazing, caring and nice”.

She says “What I love most is the way that there is no judgment at Soul and the way that the Soul crew are there for guests”. Laura appreciates how “grateful the guests are to everyone who lends them a hand”.

Laura hopes to one day use her graphic design training to make a difference in the world and true to her passion she created this wonderful Sleepout for Soul poster for us

Meet more of the inspiring Soul team at Sleepout for Soul. May 17th.

