Rick’s Journey with Soul Hub: From Hunger to Hope

Rick, who first came to Soul Hub on July 10, 2024, shares his story of finding support and community in times of need.

“I came to Soul Hub because I was hungry,” Rick recalls. Directed there by Lifeline and the Salvos, he felt nervous and uncertain about what to expect. His initial visit led to receiving coffee, a hot meal, and a food hamper. “I ended up sharing the food hamper, which was so unusual as I’d been stealing to eat for a few weeks,” he admits. Without any Centrelink support or identification, Rick was struggling to survive.

Reflecting on his experience, Rick says, “Soul Hub is really good. They have done so much for me in such a short time. I really appreciate it. It is like family.”

Over the past week, two incidents have stood out to Rick. “I catch trains at night so I can sleep and stay out of the cold in some safety. They gave me a swag, but asked me not to open it in the Soul Hub, as it may draw too much attention. When I opened it later, I realized it was not right for me. Other people on the street suggested I sell it. One guy started really hounding me for it, even though he had a place to stay, but I said no. It would be like stealing from family. I brought it in and gave it back to Soul Hub, so they can give it to the next person.”

Another memorable moment was when Soul Hub opened its doors in the evening to watch the footy. “That was good. I enjoyed it. There were some homemade sausage rolls, and I got a can of soft drink. That was good – I loved them. Since I’ve come in here, I reckon I’ve put on 4 kilograms, not just from eating. It’s because I don’t have to keep moving and walking. I have a place I can be. I can be here at Soul.”

Rick’s story highlights the vital role Soul Hub plays in providing not just food and shelter, but also a sense of belonging and community for those in need.
