The Power of Young People

One of the things that blows me away the most at Soul is the generosity of students and schools. Some of our biggest contributors over the years whether it’s financial or physical goods have been from young people across the Hunter.

More often than not, the funds raised in school fundraisers are compiled of students’ “pocket money”. I’m not sure about you but when I was a kid the precious $10, I got each week for a week’s worth of chores was heavily protected and rarely given away. The fact that so many kids are generously giving lump sums of hard to come by cash to a charity is a testament to the new generation of generous kids and students across the Hunter.

The other week we were presented a cheque of $2,000 from Newcastle Grammar Schools Hunter House end-of-year Fundraiser. It was a huge effort from all involved and required many creative and innovative ideas to rally students to contribute. They should be all incredibly proud of themselves!

Thank You to ALL schools who contributed to Soul, some of which were,

Biddabah Public School, New Lambton South Public School, Ellalong Public School, St Joseph’s Primary School, Merewether, Newcastle East Public School, Hamilton South Public School, Jumping Jacks PreSchool, Tarrops, Barnsley Public School, Cooks Hill Campus, CCWallsend and Macquarie College.

The future of our region is bright with such generous young people wanting to make a difference with what they have, for whoever they can.
