Meet Shay

Shay has been a valuable part of the Soul family since 2017 and currently serves as our student social worker alongside volunteering on her usual Wednesday brekkie shift. She loves nature, her support network and being involved in the local community. She’s currently in her third year of social work at university.

What have you learnt from Soul?

“That everyone has a story and everyone has incredible strengths. It’s so important not to judge a person and their life experiences but listen to them, hear them, and be there for them. Connection is everything.”

I continue to volunteer because I love it! Especially the relationships I have formed with guest’s volunteers and staff.

Meet our volunteers

Our wonderful family of volunteers make Soul Café what it is. They bring the heart, the fun, the compassion, the skills, and experience and each and every one makes a difference to the lives of our guests.


Meet Laura – Sleepout for Soul. May 17th

Laura is a new volunteer at Soul. This is her 4th shift. Laura knows what it is like to be vulnerable.

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Meet Greg

Greg is one of our Soul volunteers. He is an amazing bloke and a powerful contributor to Soul Hub’s administration. He looks after our WH&S and practically organized & ran Friday Chill for us this year.

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Meet India

An extraordinary experience

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