
Johnny’s smiling face has been a regular sight around Soul for the last 3 1/2 years.

What first brought you to Soul Hub 3 years ago?

My circumstances changed, I lost my job and found myself in acute financial difficulty.

How were you feeling at that time?

Not great. I was feeling completely overwhelmed by my situation and searching for a little bit of help or support.

I’d say it has a strong sense of community and lots of kind, caring people who work there.

How has Soul Café helped you?

I came to Soul and found a safe place. The volunteers are so friendly and I have made good relationships with the Soul staff. I particularly enjoy the conversations at Soul.

What services at Soul Hub are most helpful to you?

The meal services in the café, the open pantry service and haircuts. The Soul Christmas dinner is awesome.

What would you say to people about Soul Hub?

I’d say it has a strong sense of community and lots of kind, caring people who work there.

Meet our guests

Our guests and meeting their needs is what compels us. Soul Cafe has become a safe place, a refuge, a family. Its a place where everyone’s welcome because nobody’s perfect and anything is possible.


Andy’s Story

Andy’s Guest Story – “this poem sort of reflects a little bit of my life”

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WHY SHOULD you donate to Sleepout? Part 4

Because funds raised at Sleepout go directly towards supporting our vulnerable Guests.

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WHY SHOULD you Sleepout for Soul on May 17 in the Bolton St Carpark? Part 3

Because Sleeping out for Soul directly supports our vulnerable Guests.

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